Monday, January 18, 2010


A few days ago I made plans to go to Whangarei (1 hour south of Paihia) for 4-5 days. I lasted 1.5 hours. Then returned to Paihia.

1 hour of that time was spent running errands and shopping. The remaining 0.5 hour was spent at Whangarei Falls...

On the way back to Paihia I passed through Tutukaka Coast and Matapouri Bay... absolutely beautiful, serene places.

And suddenly, still surprisingly, I was back in Paihia. I wonder what it means...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gray Anatomy

Some more pictures taken from my deck...

Grey vs. Gray: I couldn't figure out the difference(s) between "Grey" and "Gray" (well, yes the vowels are different), but I just read that "Grey" is used in UK English and "Gray" in US English. I don't know if that's correct but it works for me... If you know otherwise please let me know! I'm curious!

Speaking of Grey vs. Gray...

Left: Karl, who is from Ireland but now lives in Paihia.
Right: Me (yes, all the time)

This time I did not get overzealous and pile on too much (mud), so that it could DRY, like it's supposed to ;)

But you should SMELL this stuff... and yes, the Asian guy behind me wearing clothes suitable (pun intended) for work has chosen to swim in hot, mineral, muddy, sulfur-infused water on his Sunday evening... I think it is worth the second look :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photos are ON!

I am very excited about this entry because I have many photos to share! Ready?? Here we go... (by the way these are ALL untouched/unedited)

 Quick snapshot from the side of the road! What a view!

Snapshot from inside the car... still - what a view!
(I'm sorry I forget the name of the beach in the photo)

The bluest blue.

With roadside scenery like this, I could drive for days... and probably WILL!

Now here are some pictures of where I've been living!!
Please excuse the mess. Consider these to be candid photos x_x

Best bedroom EVER. It is almost full of bed, as a bedroom should be!

Veggie patch outside the door.

The view from the deck!

Looks like a simple walkway, but to me it's a beautiful pathway.

Taking a "time-out" from the hard life in Paihia with a "special" coffee over in Russell.
Taken with a friend from Alaska :)


WARNING: The following photos may be a little disturbing (and risque - sorry I did not mean to show so much leg but if I didn't it would defeat the purpose of the photo). Here is just one of many "marks" that NZ has left on me (even this one I consider positively!).

A few days ago, I slipped and fell on some rocks (I was literally between a rock and... another rock). Yesterday I looked down and saw this:

Close-up! Ouch.

And to end on a positive note:
Here was a picture taken from the deck today... sailboats galore because there is a race going on!

Thank you for letting me share this with you! Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Make no promises... tell no lies...

So, I did say I would try to post some pictures today. See what happens when you make a promise? You become obligated...

Of course I forgot to bring the proper cord to transfer photos from my camera to the computer. But I have some to show... you know, since I promised... :)

Absinthe! I have to try it sometime... probably overrated though.

Went kayaking for the first time in this kind of kayak (inside, not on top). Tricky!

Leslie, brace yourself for the next picture... When I saw this at the supermarket, I was so happy and shocked that a mini tear came out of my eye... and I wasn't even embarrassed...


Waiting for you when you get here... it's love!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

In January it's so nice...

....while slipping on the sliding ice!
To sip hot chicken soup with rice
Sipping once, sipping twice,
Sipping chicken soup with rice!

Here we are, at the beginning of the new year. Hurrah!

I don't have much to report, but I have a very strong, determined feeling that 2010 will be a wondrous thing to celebrate. I hope all of you had a very pleasant celebration in some shape/form of the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010.

So what's next... hm. I am still in Paihia, days are still perfect from beginning to end (have I mentioned how happy I am here, and how much I love this place)? But some time soon I will take advantage of the road out, and explore more of what New Zealand is and has to offer. It was raining today, the first time in too long, and it felt like home - misty, foggy, homey. A little humid as well. I am missing a lot of people, places, things back at home, but I am sure it is not unhealthy. I think of family of course, friends, and of Webster House. I miss them all!

But I have pictures to post, and will post them soon. That should do something to bring about some smiles :)  I wish everybody was as happy as I am now.