Friday, November 20, 2009

Settling In

Tomorrow I'm going to do some exploring in the city. I'm going to the market and a sports event of some sort, I've already forgotten what it's called.

The entire country of NZ has a population of 4,340,271. The SF Bay Area has a population of about 7,400,000. It's another fact that makes me happy to be here. I will miss having Thanksgiving at home but I won't miss the 20 lbs. I won't be gaining. I'm a little hesitant to go outside to explore for a number of reasons. (1) it's scary. (2) it's cold!!! This weather isn't what I expected, but it will get better. The air is still clean and crisp, and everything outside is so nice that feeling cold doesn't really matter. (3) apparently asian people are not favored here. i have heard they can be rude and dangerous... so I am scared to come across them, and scared that others will think I am them.  (4) i might get locked out. don't have a key yet and the house is heavily secured by an alarm system, so i have to communicate my outings. it's not a big deal but i'd rather wait until tomorrow (5) i like this family. it's nice to be here with them, and i am learning so much about them and about NZ. The stories are either of horror or comedy. From what I've heard, the policing and judicial systems can be appalling (especially those involving animal control). Any dog that bites is automatically put on death row. Dogs are required to be microchipped. Police officers don't carry guns.

Well, I don't know why I just made this list.

I wasn't completely inactive today. I went to the bank to get rent money and found out HSBC has a relationship with the local bank Westpac. So I won't have to open a local account after all, which is nice. I saw St. Heliers and Mission Bay, very cute beachfront places with local shops. My hostess has the Serenity Prayer in her kitchen - I love it.

Starting Out

I came to NZ to get away from technology/materialism, the hustle/bustle of everyday life and the "rat-race." Kind of like "Into the Wild" except the Alaska part. And the ending (I hope). Why I decided to pack my hairdryer, curler, and create a blog, I don't know. I guess more than wanting to get away from technology/materialism is wanting to be happy on my own terms, and to get rid of false pressures in my life. This is my life, it is a short one, and I am going to live it. At the risk of changing the favorable (or unfavorable) impressions of me, here is the truth of my experience. Plus, I like to share.

Why NZ?

I made 2 very distinct decisions: (1) to get away from the USA and (2) to explore and be challenged by a new place and people. I won't elaborate on reason (1) here because it's all negative, and I try not to complain. Anyway there's no need.. sometimes it is better to just leave. Reason (2): Why NZ? I had always wanted to go somewhere... S. Africa and Australia were the only places that really stood out to me. One day I stumbled upon a list of "top 10 happiest places to be in the world" and saw that NZ was on the list. I knew nothing of NZ, so I did some quick research...the more I researched, the more I was excited just to discover such a place existed. The water/beaches, cycle of seasons, English, indigenous culture, favorable conversion rate ($), small population, distance from home, greenery, and animals ..."Yay!" But really it was the testimony from those who have been there that gave me the final push to make this trip. So thank you, Kiwis!

I decided not to come here on a program. I like the scare of not knowing. Passport, visa, plane ticket, traveler's checks, bank account, and luggage was all it took. I had already quit my job, so it wasn't really a factor for me. Then came goodbye. To my beloved Volvo. *sniff* Hardest thing ever.

I guess it was hard to say goodbye to the people in my life too. :) Actually, it was very difficult. Many were very sorry and especially nice to me when I left. But it was those who had been there every day, in every situation, that I will truly miss and think of.


I booked my flight with Air New Zealand about a month in advance. I had to fly to LA via United, then from LA to Auckland via Air New Zealand. The flight from LA to NZ was very disappointing - my seat was changed at the last minute, the service was poor, it was cold, and the staff was curt. I couldn't sleep, it was very uncomfortable and worse than I feared it to be. The entertainment was OK, it just didn't make up for everything else. The sky, on the other hand, was perfect.

I had to declare a number of things in customs. I didn't want to go straight to jail, so I declared things from the cheese on the Doritos to the dirt on the Disc Golf discs. After collecting my luggage I realized I had over-packed. I probably brought twice or thrice what I needed in clothing and half of what I needed in toiletries.

I will be staying in (St. Johns) Auckland for a month. I am staying with a woman who owns a business selling her own line of skin care products - very impressive. I am also living with her adopted daughter/business partner and another young homestay from Japan who is here to learn NZ English. They are all very kind and considerate. I will be here for a month and/or until I decide where to go next. I have my own room and share a bathroom. There are 2 cats (one looks like Big Marlon) and a dog here. Breakfast and Dinner are included (also Lunch on weekends).