Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

... is a bay of gold....

Oooooh :)

Ahhhhhh :)

I fell in love with Golden Bay.... I did many things here, but mostly stayed in while it poured rain for days. I met some great people in my hostel and we had a blast, a truly relaxing holiday. I purchased some coats... made of Merino & Alpaca by a local by the name of Maurice. Such beautiful coats... impossible to resist! I had to "sleep on" my decision to buy a coat, and ended up walking away with 2... plus a hat... plus brooches. No regrets! Even if I become bankruptured and homeless because of them (they were pricey), I'll be warm on the streets! Warmth is important for everyone's health. So it was a sound investment. My hostel-mate also purchased a coat, and together we were invited to Maurice's for dinner. Little did we know that he was as talented in cooking as he was in coat design and production! He spoiled us with feijoa wine and a LAMB ROAST. YUM! Afterward, we went dancing at the local bar... it was a most memorable experience.

My hostel-mates and I also went to a carving workshop to make our own pieces of jewelry.  We decided to make necklaces... the experience was another memorable one - our instructor, Chris, was just FULL of character and stories. 

The process was so tedious, but I found out I have a knack for filing! It took us 2 days to complete our pieces, and towards the end we didn't even want to look at them anymore. But after they were done and around our necks, we were happy.

Finally, after a week of quality time together, my hostel-mates and I said goodbye and went our separate ways. As it is, making great friends while traveling is always bittersweet.

Getting ready for a jog on the beach


Fire-side chats and games... NO TV!

Saying good-bye to Fiona (Ireland), Paul (Ireland), Suzanne (Switzerland)

Afterward, I went exploring and ended up at Wainui Falls in Golden Bay.

For added excitement, see what it was like to cross that bridge. Click here! (May take a while to load.)

 Hugs and Kisses!