Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Beautiful Time

I didn't get a chance to finish yesterday's post, there were more pictures to go with it. But like I said, internet is limited so pictures will have to wait.

Two weeks have passed since I left home, and after trying out a few things, I am in the midst of figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my time in NZ. Last night I went on an overnight cruise with "The Rock" - it was a great time. I thought of the many witty things I'd say about it in my blog but they escape me now. Oh I remember one...

When I was younger, maybe 5-6 years old, I remember I couldn't figure out what made boys "cute" or "not cute." Who was ugly and who was "so fiiiinnnne?" I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn't tell a "cute" boy from an "uncute" one... I just didn't get it. So I made it a point to "learn" by observing and tried to recognize what the "cute" boys had in common. I guess it worked because sometimes I make my own mental notes of who is or isn't good-looking, and if I make a comment usually someone will agree with me. But handsome individuals can turn ugly in anyone's eyes and vice versa...

So... acquired taste... can be acquired. (Witty, I know.)

WHAT I REALIZED LAST NIGHT IN NEW ZEALAND is that there is a big difference between this type of learned beauty and the type of beauty that you can feel - a beauty so intrinsic it doesn't have to be learned, yet is nonetheless shared. After experiencing really real beauty, you come away a different person, usually equipped with many witty revelations you'll want to use to share it with the rest of the world.

Back to "The Rock." There were many firsts for me - I learned to shoot (shot a Mallard duck, but it was only plastic, my birder friends...), learned to fish (fished a baby Snapper, but threw it back, my fishy friends...), went night kayaking, jumped into the night ocean (despite what the pictures say, no, it wasn't warm), hiked barefoot (sounds more glamourous than it felt), ate live/fresh sea urchin caviar, and lost at a card game. I also snorkeled. So, I was well taken care of.

Plans to leave Paihia and/or return to Auckland are still up in the air. I am getting tired of the hostel and touristy atmosphere, even though the area is beautiful. Since it is December now, it will only get worst. So I keep flip-flopping (pun intended) about what to do next. I think I am ready to pursue some of the contacts I was given by friends/family... to see what life is really like for those who live in NZ. That would be really nice.

I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday! Can't wait to show you the pictures, thanks for the safe wishes and for the compliments on my haircut!