Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rainy Days & Sundays

Today was a wet day. We had a nice, mellow BBQ at home. I met some nice people, friends of the hostess, and got the impression that they really like the jobs they have. Nurse, electrician, boat builder, seed seller... it was very interesting. Then I reverted to being an American and started thinking about myself again. I thought I might be interested in becoming a paramedic here. NZ is in need of paramedics, so it could be an avenue to residency if I chose that route. Then again I could just marry a rich New Zealander, not work at all and still get residency... CHOICES!

But really, I am already starting to plan for my next destination. I will probably go North, to the Bay of Islands. It looks wonderful. Here are some (commercial) pictures of it:


  1. I'd vote for marrying a rich New Zealander. So u can stay home, eat Bon Bons, and get really really really.......fat.

  2. ooh love the new profile picture! i got more godiva popcorn today! they werent out in the store but i asked the guy so yay they had more in the back. remember my roomie kathy..she just got back from new zealand and austrailia and showed me such fun fun pictures of her triip..she did the bubble thing and ssaid its totally worth doing!! whoooo! AND i also talked to justins moms cousin whose son was in new zealand as well and he was telling me all about it...soo weiird how new zealand is popping up all around me now! i cant WAIT to come!!!!
