Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm on a Boat!

Yesterday, I tried to make it to the beach but got lost - very lost - and ended up going through a jungle.

It was beautiful, but I hadn't felt so exhausted in a long time. Anyhow,  I decided to go to the local train station instead, in Glenn Innes, since I knew where that was. I went into most of the shops and bought kiwis and avocados, 5 for NZ$1! Afterward I went to see "2012" with the family...  I didn't like it too much, it was pretty disturbing. Then my magicJack (phone) stoppped working. I decided to give up on the day. I went to bed feeling so exhausted, unsettled, frustrated, and alone that I slept with my clothes on and contacts still in.

Funny how things happen though, because today I woke up and dallied around until I realized I was LATE to catch the bus! The bathroom was occupied, I didn't have time to wait - LUCKILY I already had my contacts in! Woohoo.. sounds gross that I didn't have time to brush my teeth, I know, but it was worth it. So I jumped on the bus, cut the tag off of my new jacket, and hoped I wouldn't be too late! But I made it, I got to the harbor and made it just in time for a free, 40 minute tour of the ports in Auckland. It was literally breath-taking (there was a lot of wind and it was hard to breathe).

And the fellow tour-mates were nice enough to help take pictures of me!


And here is a video for your viewing and listening pleasure (you can hear the NZ accent!): click here

They don't call it the "City of Sails" for nothing! Afterward, I went shopping downtown and had a blast. I went to McDonald's (second day in a row.. the food is expensive here) and had the original apple pie they stopped making in the States! But then I had too much of their coffee, or it was too strong, or I was dehydrated, or all of the above, and I was very jittery all day. Again... worth it! Then I went and got a bad haircut, almost got hit by a car (apparently a green traffic light doesn't necessarily coincide with the OK to cross the street. You have to wait for green "walk" signal, and it is especially humiliating when you realize someone living in an apartment nearby had been watching the whole time and was eager to witness such an accident), shopped a little more, went home, got off the bus too early, and walked the rest of the way home. It was a great day and I can't wait to go again tomorrow. After collecting all these brochures I can already tell that a year isn't long enough...


  1. love it, i feel like im right there with you!!! can't wait to see all these in real life in a few months!

    show me your haircut!!

    did you find the audio compatibility-ness of that jacket yet?? lol!

  2. I think you should consider becoming a professional blogger/photographer. The pictures of the jungle and the harbor are terrific. Wish I was there.

    Just keep your baseball cap on, so people can't see the bad hair cut.

    Do they drive on the WRONG side of the road there? If they do, crossing the street can be very confusing.
