Wednesday, September 29, 2010

After A While

After a while you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn
that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't always mean security
And you begin to learn
that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of a woman
not the grief of a child
and you learn
to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is
too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn
that even sunshine burns
if you get too much
so you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
you really are strong
and really do have worth
and you learn, and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn.

Veronica A. Shoffstall

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shaken and Stirred

I'm quite sleepy. Shake, shake, shake. This isn't a dream! 

First, I align myself with the wall. Then curl up in a ball. Then flop over the side of the bed onto the floor. Grab the torch, skip the glasses, skip the shoes. Run into the valley and hold onto the fence. Look up at the swaying trees. Hear the donkeys running my way. Try to wake up! I run toward the house but I don't go in... where is everybody?? Why is it STILL shaking??

Christchurch, NZ was hit with a huge earthquake yesterday morning. I hadn't been so scared in a long time. The after-shocks are still here and coming. I had been staying at Okuti Garden, on Banks' Peninsula, WWOOFing through my last days in New Zealand.

From Wanaka to Christchurch

My accommodation at Okuti Garden 
(I was sleeping in here during the earthquake)

Nutmeg's little tongue

Tom, fellow WWOOFer

Being drawn in Akaroa

 Collecting mussels

A fudge party! 
Everyone was invited... where were you?

Tom's accommodation

Hardly working ;)

On the day of the earthquake, I headed into the city as planned. This is what I saw:

Look closely. Half of the lamp under which I parked had broken off.

Here it is on the ground.


Then, I heard some truly terrible news. It made me want to cry: Nine dead in Fox Glacier plane crash

It's all so unbelievable.

For those who are worried about me, I am in a pretty safe area outside of the City Centre, in Addington. I am staying at Jailhouse Accommodation, in a highly earthquake-proof building.

I have 3 more days left in New Zealand. Needless to say, it is an emotional time for me for many reasons. Thank you for everyone's support...I had intended to spend my last few days collecting souvenirs for everyone, but since everything is closed, cordoned off, and unsafe, it won't be possible. So please don't think that I didn't think of you!! My safe return will have to suffice :/

If you are in the Christchurch area, please remember to boil your water for at least 3 minutes before drinking it. Stay safe.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Good in Good-Bye

I decided to leave Wanaka earlier than planned... the timing just seemed right. Of course, my last days in Wanaka included a trip up to Cardrona with some of my favorite people:

I'd make a joke about how Caitlin looks so helpful, but I'm the one holding the camera.

On the lift!

I suppose that makes me Dumber

Boys at work

My last day helping w/the Adaptive Programme

I love Caitlin!

And Kenny Chesney

And Keith Urban

And of course, George Strait

Sharing a love of a past-time with a love of a life-time in the past ;)
Say that 1 time fast.

He's got balls

The latest fashion in New Zealand :)

In a NZ car wash for the first time!
Happy Birthday, Tim! 

Work it!

Last outing together... Mt. Iron


Tim's cake with the lights turned off

Guess he didn't like it too much

I heart these people!

I need to share EVERYTHING with you, Fiona!

 My going-away present. "How CONE you're leaving??"
or as Tim remembers it..."Why the CONE are you leaving?!" Ha!

Planting Day at Waterfall Creek
Last day with Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust...

Beautiful day, beautiful people

Good bye!

What's worse than having to say GOOD-BYE to the people and places that you love?
Not getting the chance to.

I feel so blessed, so loved, so happy. Wanaka, you are in my heart forever!

After leaving Wanaka, I headed south for my first WWOOFing (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) experience. When you "WWOOF," you are signing up to work in exchange for accommodation and food. I ended up in Tuatapere, the Sausage Capital of New Zealand. It has a population of about 650, and is the most southwestern town in NZ. 

My work/accommodation took place at an old primary school. It will soon be converted into apartments for retirement living, and has a nursery in the back.

The property, complete with Guinea Fowls :)

I planted 50 trees!! WOO-HOO!

My work station - weeding!

Before                                             After

Before                                             After

Before                                             After

Before                                             After

So many lyrics come to mind!

 Happy as!

The Not-So-Secret Life of Cows

 Celebrating Burt Munro in Invercargill

The World's Fastest Indian

I passed through Wanaka one more time and stayed a few nights...for last-minute good-byes

I'm a sucker for Flying Foxes!

Kasia...another big love of mine.
Good bye, Wanaka.